Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Creamy Rice Pudding

Rice pudding is one of my most favorite things to eat.  I absolutely LOVE it!  I found this recipe a while ago, gave it a try and this is by far my most FAVORITE one.  I know the picture of it looks a little strange.  But trust me, this stuff is AWESOME!!

Creamy Rice Pudding
*1 cup uncooked rice (I use long grain)
*1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
*1 cup water
Bring to a boil in saucepan, reduce heat, cover and simmer until rice is done (about 20 minutes).  All liquid should be absorbed.  Set aside. 
*3 tablespoons cornstarch
*1 cup sugar
*1/4 teaspoon salt
*2 1/4 cups half and half
*1 cup milk
*2 beaten eggs
*2 tablespoons butter
*2 teaspoons vanilla
Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt in a 3 quart saucepan.  Add half and half and milk, cook over medium heat until thick, stirring constantly.  Remove from heat, pour a small amount of hot mixture into eggs while stirring constantly to prevent eggs from cooking.  Pour egg mixture back into pan and cook another 2 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent lumps.  Remove from heat, add butter and vanilla stirring gently to mix.  Add rice to pudding mixture (add the rice depending on how you like your pudding.  If you like more rice add almost or all.  If you don't like  too much rice in your pudding, don't add that much).  Cover and store leftovers in fridge....if there is any :)

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